Saturday, January 25, 2020

Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essay -- The Lottery Essays

â€Å"The less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it† (Twain). The Lottery begins during the summer. A small, seemingly normal, town is gathering to throw the annual â€Å"Lottery†. In the end, the townspeople—children included—gather around and stone the winner to death, simply because it was tradition. The story reveals how traditions can become outdated and ineffective. â€Å"I suppose, I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village to shock the story's readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives† (Jackson). As humans develop as a race, their practices should develop with them. Shirley Jackson develops the theme that blindly following traditions is dangerous in her short story â€Å"The Lottery† through the use of symbolism, foreshadowing, and irony. Symbolism is used heavily in â€Å"The Lottery†. One of the first symbols revealed in the short story is the Black Box, used by the townspeople as the raffle box. â€Å"The black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner . . .was born. Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box† (Jackson). The Black Box stands as a symbol for the lottery itself and tradition of all types. Although it may be difficult to â€Å"upset† or change parts of traditions that have been practiced for ages, it is necessary to do so to grow as people. â€Å"Another symbol in the story is the black box. Although it is old and shabby, the villagers are unwilling or unable to replace it, just as they are unwilling to stop participating in the lottery† (Wilson). The... ...n.p., 1986. N. pag. Print. Jackson, Shirley. â€Å"The Lottery.† Masterplots, Fourth Edition (2010): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. â€Å"â€Å"The Lottery†.† Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them. Joyce Moss and George Wilson. Vol. 4: World War II to the Affluent Fifties (1940-1950s). Detroit: Gale, 1997. 235-239. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. â€Å"The Lottery.† Short Stories for Students. Ed. Kathleen Wilson. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 139-154. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. Mazzeno, Laurence W. â€Å"The Lottery.† Masterplots II: Short Story Series, Revised Edition (2004): 1-2. Literary Reference Center. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. Nelles, William. â€Å"The Lottery.† Masterplots II: Women’S Literature Series (1995): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Artist Statement for Sculpture

Our tape projects shows artistic investigation In that we had to look Into the aspects of this character to try and figure out how we could best represent them with what we had. We looked Into the culture of the show and his character In order to do lust that. As for the process, It was quite a long one. We first had to figure out the stance and position of the character that would best represent the character (oddly enough, in our case, it was his dead, which happens quite a lot to his character in the how, surprisingly) and what props/colors we would need to make his character known.Once we had it all planned out, we started the tape, using different parts of each person in our group. We used Drain's limbs, lower body, stomach area, and head, and then used Earache's upper body. We used the technique of wrapping the tape around the part needed with the sticky side out and building up until it was thick enough and very carefully cutting the tape off the person, without hurting the st ructure of the tape or the person. Once all our pieces were all cut out, we put them all together, using even more tape. The spray painting came next.We used the spray paint to color In the pants, shirt, hair, and shoes. One of our characters signature items Is his trench coat and tie that he Is almost always wearing. We used the actual articles of clothing for that. Since our character is also an angel, we made angel wings out of cardboard and then spray painted those as well and attached them to the tape sculpture itself. We did this project and used this character because, seeing s we both are big fans of the show and this specific character, it is sort of a nerdy representation of the both of us.The material and media influenced our artistic decisions because, using mainly tape, it forced us to think simply. We needed mostly the vague outline of a human figure through the tape which was time consuming and difficult in itself, and the props we needed had to be so associated with this character that It would be very easy to figure out who It was If the person happened to know of the show. The Intended expression or communication intended with this ice was to deep down Just accept the nerdy side of you, If you have one.And, for those who know this character, they know that he is all about being true to yourself and coming over tremendous odds, which can also hopefully be seen through our piece. I would say we were fairly successful in manifesting our vision with our sculpture. Artist Statement for Sculpture By researches Our tape projects shows artistic investigation in that we had to look into the what we had. We looked into the culture of the show and his character in order to do lust that. As for the process, it was quite a long one.We first had to figure out the paint to color in the pants, shirt, hair, and shoes. One of our characters signature items is his trench coat and tie that he is almost always wearing. We used the actual the vague outline of a hu man figure through the tape which was time consuming and character that it would be very easy to figure out who it was if the person happened to know of the show. The intended expression or communication intended with this piece was to deep down Just accept the nerdy side of you, if you have one. And, for Artist Statement for Sculpture Adrian Sage Rachel Shaw Our tape projects shows artistic investigation in that we had to look into the aspects of this character to try and figure out how we could best represent them with what we had. We looked into the culture of the show and his character in order to do just that. As for the process, it was quite a long one. We first had to figure out the stance and position of the character that would best represent the character (oddly enough, in our case, it was his dead, which happens quite a lot to his character in the how, surprisingly) and what props/colors we would need to make his character known.Once we had it all planned out, we started the tape, using different parts of each person in our group. We used Drain's limbs, lower body, stomach area, and head, and then used Earache's upper body. We used the technique of wrapping the tape around the part needed with the sticky side out and building up until it was thick enough and very carefully cutting the tape off the person , without hurting the Truckee of the tape or the person.Once all our pieces were all cut out, we put them all together, using even more tape. The spray painting came next. We used the spray paint to color in the pants, shirt, hair, and shoes. One of our characters signature items is his trench coat and tie that he is almost always wearing. We used the actual articles of clothing for that. Since our character is also an angel, we made angel wings out of cardboard and then spray painted those as well and attached them to he tape sculpture itself.We did this project and used this character because, seeing as we both are big fans of the show and this specific character, it is sort of a nerdy representation of the both of us. The material and media influenced our artistic decisions because, using mainly tape, it forced us to think simply. We needed mostly the vague outline of a human figure through the tape which was time consuming and difficult in itself, and the props we needed had to be so associated with this harasser that it would be very easy to figure out who it was if the person happened to know of the show.The intended expression or communication intended with this piece was to deep down Just accept the nerdy side of you, if you have one. And, for those who know this character, they know that he is all about being true to yourself and coming over tremendous odds, which can also hopefully be seen through our piece. I would say we were fairly successful in manifesting our vision with our sculpture. Artist Statement for Sculpture By researches

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Anti-Aging Products Essay - 760 Words

Soft Tough is a new male focused cosmetic products that aid in reducing aging effects on the skin while also providing sun protection. Anti –aging moisturizer is not a new concept as it has dominated the market for years, focused on women. Now is the time for such a product to be introduced to now focus as a male anti-aging, UV protection moisturizer to take advantage of such a wide market and to â€Å"emulate the same success women Anti-aging products† (Golding 2009) has had for years. Soft Tough should focus on â€Å"authenticity, craftsmanship and performance† (Tungate, 2008) of the product because that is the foundation of men’s interest with regards to any products. It has been found that men will stay true and dedicated to products that†¦show more content†¦These people would find benefits from this product as their skin take daily damages from the sun rays as well from other environmental attacks such as wind, cold/ dry air, etc. Theref ore, price wouldn’t be a reason to not buy this product if the benefits equal great looking skin that is protected along with the possibility of future endorsement deals. 2. Occupation: White Collar Workers. Gentlemen within this demographic, especially power brokers, lawyers and even doctors,(particularly plastic surgeons or dermatologists) who meets clients often, would value how they look important for their own self- esteem, as well as their careers. â€Å"First impressions† in those mentioned professions are everything and having a great skin to complete the â€Å"great look† package is priceless. Therefore, pricing would also not be a problem as one would pay at whatever cost necessary to look good because generated revenue from businesses won is an excellent return on investment. 3. Demographic Age (Mid 30’s to 65+): The focus for this segment would be as young as mid thirties to older aged gentlemen 65+. Younger men would find interest in Soft Tough within that age bracket because â€Å"Image is everything† and they are more willing to experiment and try new things. It is also at this age range where there will be more focus on trying to stay as youthful, longer and as their â€Å"career comes to focus they become more stable consumers† (Jobling, 2008). Daily influences fromShow MoreRelatedBeauty And Beauty : The Benefits Of Beauty823 Words   |  4 Pagesin time, they lead to lack of confidence and depressions. However, specialists have found the solution for this problem by creating anti wrinkle products. 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